Cultural Immersion & Decolonisation Workshops

Push Back Programs

Push Back Programs

Waminda Decolonisation workshops are truth telling shared through experiences of local community woman. They invite you to see history through an Aboriginal lens, on an intimate journey through true Australian history.

Our Decolonisation Workshops aim to educate non-indigenous Australians on the systematic racism and colonial structures that affect the everyday lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, while addressing outdated stereotypes, white privilege and fragility.

We also facilitate discussion on how imperfect allies can develop the skill and insight to develop Cultural Humility. Decolonisation Workshops are a full one-day commitment, hosted by Waminda’s Senior Leaders.


Please self-isolate if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, including a sore throat, coughing or sneezing, or flu-like symptoms. Call our reception to make a telehealth appointment with one of our doctors.

Workshops can accomodate up to thirty people, and can be tailored for

  • Individuals,
  • Families,
  • Organisations,
  • Businesses,
  • Goverment Departments
  • Not-For-Profit Companies

Push Back FAQ’s

How Long Does A Workshop Go For?

Cultural Immersion you have the option of 1 day or 2 day, the extra day is being on country to connect and learn.

Decolonisation workshops are 1 day, but there can be discussions around this if needed.

Where Can The Workshops Be Delivered?

2 day Cultural Immersions are only held on country, in the Shoalhaven region of NSW, while 1 day Cultural Immersion and Decolonisation workshops can be held anywhere.

Are The Workshops Only For Non-Aboriginal People?

Predominantly they are focused around educating non-Aboriginal people but it doesn’t mean that Aboriginal people can’t participate, it can actually benefit a group when you have Aboriginal participants to share their experiences alongside the facilitators especially if the group are work colleagues. Also we never dismiss Aboriginal people who may want to learn more about themselves if they don’t have a strong connection to their identity

What Is The Minimum Number Of Participants?

We require 15 participants but if you have a smaller group we can combine you with another small group to make the minimum or include from our list of individual interested participants to make numbers.

Contact Our Cultural Manager

122 Kinghorne Street, Nowra, NSW 2541

Program operating hours are between
9:00am – 4:30pm Monday – Friday.
For more information, booking times & availability, please call;

Waminda Reception: (02) 4421 7400

Free Call: 1800 997 330

Prevent The Spread

Please click here to find out more information about COVID-19 and how it has affected Waminda services. Please self-isolate if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, including a sore throat, coughing or sneezing, or flu-like symptoms. Call our reception to make a telehealth appointment with one of our doctors.

Our practice has an appointment booking system for all consultations, we can accommodate walk in consultations with the clinical team, but it is encouraged to make a booked appointment. On arrival you will be triaged by an Aboriginal health worker prior to seeing the Doctor. If you are unable to attend face to face due to symptoms, we have the option of a telehealth appointment.