It is official! The Voice to Parliament bill has been passed through the senate and Australia will come together in no less than 2 months and no more than 6, with the opportunity to make history with the coming referendum. When the official date is announced the referendum will ask the Australian public;
“A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Do you approve this proposed alteration?”
The Voice to Parliament will be a body of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives from each state and territory advising the Government on issues that affect First Nations Australians.
Cleone Wellington; Cullunghutti, Jerrinja, Wandi-Wandandian woman and part Executive Leadership Team at Waminda shared “We are at a point in time where we have to take every opportunity that comes our way.”, “There can be change within the system and it has to start with the people” and “I’m hopeful and I do use the word hopeful, that the voice can actually be a part of the change I wanna see for my people in my community.”
Hayley Longbottom; Jerrinja, Cullunghutti, Wandi-Wandian woman and part Executive Leadership Team at Waminda shared “Why shouldn’t we be in the constitution if that constitution governs this country, then we absolutely need to be in it.”, “For too long we’ve been talked about and conditioned. I envision the yes and the voice to implement those changes.” and “It’s not going to happen overnight; I know but we’ve been in it for the long haul since 1788 and we’ll be in it until years and years to come but this is an opportunity for us to create the pathway for youth coming through.”
Waminda is committed to advancing and privileging our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across the nation. It is imperative that Australia’s constitution and parliament have an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voice. Waminda urges you to be on the right side of history, amplify our voices and vote yes for a Voice to Parliament when the referendum is held later this year.
– Theresa Yeates & Bianca-Rose Hunuki, Media & Communications Team